
Foundation year of AM srl in Vidor (TV).
AM srl has been acquired from the actual property.
AM srl obtains UNI EN ISO 9002:1994 certification, a clear indicator of high quality standards in the manufacturing process.
AM srl acquires Aspen srl in Cornuda (TV), a manufacturer of thermoplastic components, thus increasing its product range.
AM srl obtains UNI EN ISO 9001:2000, a clear indicator of care and attention devoted to product design.
The company acquires the production plant of Everest spa in Crocetta del Montello (TV), a well-known subcontractor in the field of sports equipment, and becomes the leading manufacturer in its field. AM srl is the first one in Italy to introduce hot chamber magnesium die casting in the manufacturing of sport footwear buckles and accessories.
AM srl acquires Teknostampi srl in Crocetta del Montello (TV), a leading manufacturer of aluminium buckles with 3D finishing on machining center from bars. The company’s name is changed into AM Teknostampi spa.
It acquires Tecnoski of Colico (BS), leading firm in the sector of ski-boots buckles levers, and High Tech of Cluje (Rumania), foreign subsidiary specialized in painting and assembling sport articles components.
It sets up a new magnesium hot-chamber die-casting department by buying 4 highly automated Canadian machines supplied exclusively to Europe. It transfers Colico (BS) production plants to the subsidiary in Cluje (Rumania) thus increasing its effectiveness and production capacity.
It implements still further the Rumanian factory setting up a tampography department and a new powder-painting line. It combines the group’s two magnesium die-casting departments in a single department in the Crocetta del Montello (TV) production site.